This quick reference page is to help raise awareness about common safety issues that may arise while operating a MEWP. Where available, click on the corresponding reference document to learn more. This list is for quick reference only and is not exhaustive. Refer to your unit’s operating manual for detailed safe use instructions.
Operator Responsibilities
Electrocution Hazard
Maintain Minimum Safe Approach Distance (MSAD) while working in the area of energized conductors.
Ropes, Cable, hoses - Entanglement
Avoid entanglement with ropes, cords, cables or hoses.
Snagged Platform.
If the work platform becomes snagged, all operator and occupants need to be removed from the work platform freeing it using ground controls.
Standing, sitting or climbing on the guardrail
Don't place materials on the guardrails or have materials that exceed the confines of the guardrails unless approved by manufacturer.
Load distribution
Comply with load distribution in accordance with the manufacturers requirement on MEWP and extending structures.
Platform capacity
Don't exceed the rated capacity of the platform. Distribute load evenly.
Firm footing inside the platform
Maintain firm footing on the platform floor. Climbing on the toe board, midrail or toprail is prohibited.
Reaching additional height from platform by using ladder, scaffoldings, planks or unsafe physical posture
The use of planks, ladders, or any other devices on the platform for achieving additional height or reach is prohibited.
MEWP as Crane
MEWPs should not be used as crane unless specific approval provided by manufacturer.
Climbing on Extended Structure
Do not climb on the MEWP extending structure.

Fall protection
Operators and occupants shall comply with the instructions provided by manufacturer regarding personal fall protection/fall restraint/arrest device.
Stunt Driving
Don't engage in stunt driving, horseplay and reckless operation.
Exit/Enter at MEWP at height
Only exit (or enter) a MEWP at height following a procedure provided by the manufacturer or qualified person.
Staying within guardrail boundary / Staying in right spot
Don’t lean on or over the guardrails/control panel and stay within the working platform.
MEWP as Jack
Don't use MEWP as a jack, prop or a tie to support itself, other structures, or machines, unless with written approval from Manufacturer.
Banners/increasing lateral surface area
Avoid tenting. Don't increase the lateral surface area of the platform. Increasing area exposed to the wind will decrease MEWP stability.
Unsafe loading/unloading
Requires understanding the roles and responsibilities of different parties to complete the task safely.
Injuries due to Trapping/Crushing/Obstruction
Follow best practices to minimize Trapping/Crushing risk.
Ensure guardrails are installed and access gates or openings are closed or in appropriate positions per manufacturer’s instructions.
Worn, damaged, leaking, missing, loose, deteriorated equipment/components
Don't operate if MEWP is not working properly or if any parts are damaged or worn. Inspect/maintain as per manufacturer requirements.
Improperly inflated/damaged tires/wheels
Don't operate if MEWP is not working properly or if any parts are damaged or worn. Inspect/maintain as per manufacturer requirements.
Loose lug nuts on tires
Don't operate if MEWP is not working properly or if any parts are damaged or worn. Inspect/maintain as per manufacturer requirements.
Environmental Factors
Weather Consideration (Wind, thunderstorm, ice, fog etc.)
Perform a thorough assessment of weather conditions before operating MEWPs.
Slope and Grade
Don’t Elevate or drive elevated on a slope.
Supporting surface/Ground conditions
Assess the ground condition before using machines. Elevate or drive elevated only on a firm, level surface.