Equipment Operator Training Overview
MEWP – Mobile Elevating Work Platform
Type 3 Group A – vertical-type MEWP (mast lift and scissor lift)
Type 3 Group B – boom-type MEWP (articulating and telescopic boom lift)
All MEWP training is in accordance with the latest CSA B354 and ANSI A92 standards.
You can request one type or both types of MEWP equipment for certification.
VRRT FL - Variable Reach Rough Terrain Forklift – Telehandler
Lift Truck Class 7
All Telehandler training is in accordance with the latest CSA B335 and ANSI B56.6 standards.
Our operator training programs cover the hazards associated with the worksite, equipment, and specific tasks. New operators receive adequate equipment-specific practice before being evaluated. Training duration varies based on the operator's skill, learning curve, and attitude. If additional training is necessary, extra visits can be arranged to meet all requirements. We work closely with candidates to create a tailored plan for their success. Competent and qualified candidates return to their worksites equipped with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to operate their equipment safely. All trainees recognize the importance of maintaining their expertise throughout the valid training period by regularly reviewing their training and thoroughly understanding the operation manuals for each model they will use.
Industry best practices promote effective training methods and recognize instructor-led theory classes or online interactive eLearning as approved training methods for theory delivery. Practical training and evaluation must be completed under the direct supervision of a qualified trainer. Training videos are not an acceptable method of training, although manufacturer-provided product videos and animations can be an effective tool for model-specific familiarization which is a key component of safe operation after training.
Trained operators know to read and understand the operation manual of every model of MEWP that they operate.
Visit our technical publications page and enter your machine model or serial number for a list of available resources for familiarization:

(L-R: Brian Downham, Fabio Camara, Bart Krzysztofek, Travis Robitaille)
Training calendar
MEWP Operator Training (Canada) - $399+HST per person (CAD)
- Regular class scheduled on Tuesdays – subject to availability – inquire:
- Located at our manufacturing facility in Guelph, Ontario (Canada)
- 4 hour theory class followed by theory test – min 80% to pass
- Practical training provided – worksite inspection, equipment inspection, safe operation, proper shutdown.
- Practical evaluation must be passed for each equipment type after adequate training provided.
- Must specify equipment classification at time of booking.
- Laminated wallet card provided and PDF certificate emailed to all successful candidates.
- Training is valid for up to 5 years before retraining is necessary.
- Training is offered in English only – translators must be arranged by candidate or their employer.
On-site Option (US/Canada) – MEWP Operator Training
- Classes can be booked at your site subject to:
- number of candidates requiring training and timeframes required
- approval of classroom facilities and practical training area
- equipment availability, condition, and service records
- travel costs including transportation, accommodation, meals, etc.
- Please reach out for a quote providing details of your request:
eLearning Theory Option - MEWP ONLY (US/Canada)
- In partnership with IPAF – International Powered Access Federation (
- Online, interactive theory training and knowledge test (approx. 3 hrs)
- Operator certification can only be provided after successful evaluation of equipment operation by a qualified trainer.
- This theory certificate expires within 60 days so ensure practical evaluation has been booked in advance.
Click on the link below to register and pay IPAF directly based on country:

Telehandler Operator Training (Canada) - $399+HST per person
- Classes are scheduled on-demand – subject to availability – inquire:
- Located at our manufacturing facility in Guelph, Ontario (Canada)
- 4 hour theory class followed by theory test – min 80% to pass
- Practical training provided – worksite inspection, equipment inspection, safe operation, proper shutdown
- Practical evaluation must be passed after adequate training provided
- Laminated wallet card provided and PDF certificate emailed to all successful candidates
- Training is valid for up to 3 years before retraining is necessary
- Training is offered in English only – translators must be arranged by candidate or their employer
- Please reach out to discuss details and availability:
On-site option (US/Canada) – Telehandler Operator Training
- Classes can be booked at your site subject to:
- number of candidates requiring training and timeframes required
- travel costs including transportation, accommodation, meals, etc.
- equipment availability, condition, and service records
- approval of classroom facilities and practical training area
- number of candidates requiring training and timeframes required
- Please reach out for a quote providing details of your request:
No Telehandler eLearning Theory Option at this time

Administration of training in accordance with CSA/ANSI standards
All training shall be delivered by a qualified person who is experienced with the specific model used for training and knowledgeable regarding the laws, regulations, safe use practices, manufacturer’s requirements, and recognition and avoidance of hazards associated with their use. Continuing education and training is necessary to achieve and maintain a qualified trainer status.
MEWP Trainer Kit (US/Canada) - $499+HST
Telehandler Trainer Kit (US/Canada) - $499+HST
- All kits include PowerPoint theory presentation with trainer notes and all necessary course paperwork in PDF format
- Kits are provided via secure online file transfer for instant access upon payment
- Purchase of standalone kits are best suited for knowledgeable, experienced and qualified trainers
2 Day MEWP Operator + Trainer Kit Overview Course -
$899+HST per person
- Operator certification with 5 year expiry – theory + practical is provided on Day 1
- MEWP Trainer Kit overview of theory presentation and practical activities on Day 2 (condensed)
- Course is best suited for people with experience in equipment operation training, laws and relevant standards
- Please reach out to discuss details and availability:
2 Day Telehandler Operator + Trainer Kit Overview Course -
$899+HST per person
- Operator certification with 3 year expiry – theory + practical is provided on Day 1
- Telehandler Trainer Kit overview of theory presentation and practical activities on Day 2 (condensed)
- Course is best suited for people with experience in equipment operation training, laws and relevant standards
- Please reach out to discuss details and availability:
2 Day MEWP Trainer Kit Overview Course -
$999+HST per person
- Operator certification is NOT included
- Course is best suited for people with experience in equipment operation training, laws and relevant standards
- Booked on-demand with a minimum of 4 candidates and maximum of 8 candidates
- In-depth review of Trainer Kit and Powerpoint slides for theory presentation
- Mock candidate/trainer interactions for practical activities
- Review of all relevant course paperwork and use cases
- Includes proof of training certificate with no expiry date – this is not a “certification”
- Can be combined with Telehandler for a 4 day overview course
- Please reach out to discuss details and availability:
2 Day Telehandler Trainer Kit Overview Course -
$999+HST per person
- Operator certification is NOT included
- Course is best suited for people with experience in equipment operation training, laws and relevant standards
- Booked on-demand with a minimum of 4 candidates and maximum of 8 candidates
- In-depth review of Trainer Kit and Powerpoint slides for theory presentation
- Mock candidate/trainer interactions for practical activities
- Review of all relevant course paperwork and use cases
- Includes proof of training certificate with no expiry date – this is not a “certification”
- Can be combined with MEWP for a 4 day overview course
- Please reach out to discuss details and availability:

4 Day IPAF MEWP Instructor Course -
$1999+HST per person
- In partnership with IPAF – International Powered Access Federation (
- Skyjack Inc. is an approved IPAF Training Center
- Instructor course is booked on-demand with a minimum of 4 candidates and maximum of 8 candidates
- IPAF provides a MEWP Instructor certification that has to be renewed every 5 years
- The renewal process involves review of training activity and continuing professional development over the 5 year period
- Please reach out to discuss details and availability:
Please email us to schedule a phone call or video conference (Teams/Zoom) to discuss your training needs:
Factory trained technicians are essential to minimize downtime on your equipment. Give them the “tools” and knowledge to properly diagnose, repair and maintain your Skyjack fleet. Less
Skyjack believes that this service is so fundamental to your business that it is offered FREE!*
- Vertical Mast Lifts
- Electric Scissor Lifts
- Rough Terrain Scissor Lifts
- Telescopic Boom Lifts
- Articulated Boom Lifts
- Telehandlers
* Certain course requirements may apply.


Skyjack Service Training can be performed at your facility. The classes are tailored to be suitable for an
The technical training courses are specific for each Skyjack family model and will involve a full day formal classroom session. The classroom covers:
- Electrical and hydraulic symbol identification
- Component operation
- Hydraulic and electrical schematic reading
- Schematics are defined and traced out for each function, reviewed in detail providing your technician with a better understanding of the operation of the equipment.
- Troubleshooting scenarios to enhance the technicians understanding, and to provide familiarity with the common components between Skyjack family models.
Each student receives a certificate and workbook so that information can be referenced later.
Skyjack offers a web-based learning platform that provides access to technical skills and product related courses, assessment tests, and on-the-job training guides.
In addition to Skyjack’s Tech-online, customers can review the following at
- Service Bulletins: Communicating required equipment modifications (safety or non-safety related)
- Service Advisories: Advising, clarifying and expanding upon processes and procedures associated with required inspections and maintenance
- Tech Tips: Informative, detailed overviews related to equipment operation, scheduled or recommended maintenance, troubleshooting and other valuable technical product information
- Technical Manuals: Online parts, service and operating manuals