Skyjack’s Rental Customers
POSTED April 01, 2017
Potential Release Ideas
Some of the benefits of being included in a press release include:
- Name appears in the media, which in turn can improve company search ranking and send traffic
- The more exposure, the greater chance of gaining customers
- Media coverage is important because it earns the kind of credibility that advertising just can’t buy
Needed Information
In order to start the process of drafting a press release, it is important that the following information is provided from rental customers:
- Basic company background (Industry, job functions, purpose)
- Why this is news
- Where it’s taking place
- When it’s taking place
- Who is involved
- What is the Skyjack equipment being used
- Name of people involved
- Contact Information
Drafting Process
Drafting releases can take several hours, depending on the amount of information available and quality of the story.
- Once the draft is complete it has to be reviewed and approved
- It typically takes about 3-4 weeks from initial idea to approval of story
Submission Process
Rental customers who have story ideas can:
- Email Public Relations Manager, Danita Jaipersaud ( with basic information, listed above
- The submission will be reviewed
- Skyjack approves submission
- Public Relations Manager pulls information internally
- Public Relations Manager drafts the story
- Rental customer/Skyjack provides more detailed information/feedback to story
- Rental customer approves story
Worthwhile events or stories include:
- Partnering with a nonprofit, academia or organization to benefit the community or operators – LouTec
- Projects that add positive value to customers or local community (contributes to building a better world) – RNLI
- Project that helps develop people – Supporting Veterans
- Projects that are internationally or widely known
Releases will be distributed online and print trade publications such as: